We went canoeing with Michael this weekend at Beaver Lake. We went all around the lake and Michael actually kept his bottom in the canoe almost the whole time:) He tried to pick water lillies, I then tr ied to explain that that wasn't possible and that the frogs needed the lillies to jump on. I think he bought that one....
We saw 3 turtles and one frog and I was lucky enough to get 11 mosquito bites while we were out. Yay!
We found a new kind of water lilly. I've decided that when we get a house and a pond, I want one of these!
These pine trees were amazing! I loved the way they line the path. Michael kept looking up and saying..."The trees are REALLY tall!" He has a knack for stating the obvious:)
Look closely, a frog is in there... One of the turtles
Some ducks were born a little late. Aren't the adorable?!!I've never seen so many ducklings!
The duck on the left is the baby, born a couple months ago. He's almost as big as Mamma!
The Gosslings are HUGE now! And you really have to watch your step when walking through the grass. They have a tendancy to leave alot of yucky stuff lying around:P
Our friendly groundhog (woodchuck). He lives behind our house and pays a visit to our back porch every now and then. Geoff got some good pictures of him. Too bad most of them were through the screen...... We're obviously still having a lot of fun with the wildlife.
Michael's new friend Anna. He already has a thing for older women. She's 4 1/2:)
We're going to Ocean City MD for the 4th (Thanks Jenny!!!!) So we'll have lots of pictures from that, I'm sure...
Our condo in Chicago still hasn't sold. I think I may shout it from the roof top once it does, so keep praying!
I started the remicade infusions last Thursday, all went well and I didn't show any signs of an allergic reaction, so I'll have another infusion on the 3rd of July, then the 3rd of August and then I will only have to go in about ever 6-8 weeks. I don't have to give myself shots anymore and the infusion is almost like a spa day. I get to sit in a comfy chair and read for a few hours. They bring me juice and snacks and I don't have to to anything while there. So, let's hope the medication starts working after the next infusion, because I don't feel any different yet.
Hope all is well with everyone!!!!!