The man-child, aka Michael, aka the monster, is doing quite well. Though he is bored too. He's super excited to start school again and that he gets to eat lunch at school now. I'm obviously nervous about him eating lunch at school because of his eating habits, or the fact that he doesn't enjoy eating, whatever you choose.
For those of you who don't know.....He got a formal diagnoses of ADHD in January and then a formal diagnoses of Asperger's in April. We've spent the last eight months getting used to a little different way of doing things. Since we've known about the Sensory Modulation Disorder for years now, we really haven't changed all that much. We're all adapting. It really helps that he is such a loving, giving child. He is sooooooo smart. he really cracks people up with how he phrases things. He said yesterday to his babysitter " this doesn't work well on rough surfaces". She got a real kick out of that. It's just not how a six year old would phrase things.
He's doing great with his reading, although he does get frustrated. He wants to do everything right the first time. When that doesn't happen, he gets mad at himself. but we're working on that:)
We've had a pretty good summer, all things considered. No camping this year though, which kinda sucks. Next year. Next year we will camp. Even if I have to spend ALL my time at the camp site and not see anything else. But we've gone to the beach alot and we've visited with friends, so it's been good. We've had to hold off on trips to St. Louis and Little Rock because of threat of surgery for me. But more about that in a moment. Here are some pics of visits and such:)
Maw Maw and Paw Paw will be coming up next week to go to the fair with us and visit the monster. They'll be here for a week and we always have a great time with them:)
Geoff is still loving his job, though summer is a very busy time for him. Lots of late nights, but we know that's temporary. He still likes being up here in the great North. We haven't sold our condo yet, but we do have an amazing renter in it, so lots of it is paid for, we're very thankful for that.
We've found a church that we like that has a great program for kids and offers buddies for kids with special needs. So we're really liking that:)
I am having an arthroscopic synovectomy on Sept. 9th at 8:45am. The doc will go in and shave the lining of my joint out. he will also be looking at a slight tear in the meniscus and a bakers cyst while he's in there, so those might get fixed too. I would much rather get a total replacement. it's been a year and a half since this right knee has worked to my normal ability. Not yours, mine. Mom will be coming up for a while after the surgery to help around the house and drive us to appointments and to play with Michael while I'm laid up. I LOVE my in-laws!!!!!!!
So, there's the scoop....Maybe I will actually write more. If I had a lap top it would be easier...
My goodness - so very much going on with your family. But my prayers are that you are coping and finding ways to deal with all of your situations. You are such a strong person...really! What you have gone through and continue to deal with could overwhelm any mere mortal. But have strength, faith, family and friends that help you through. Not that you have had it easy by any means but you are so remarkable. I will e-mail to see what our next adventure could be...and when. Hugs to the little monkey :-)
Thanks Marcia. I miss you!!
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